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Autor Titel Kategorie Verliehen (bis) Zurück Gehört
Mustermann Beispiel Fiction Person A (24.12.2013) Person B
CCC Das Chaos Computer Buch CCC JoShi
Domscheit-Berg, Daniel Inside WikiLeaks CCC JoShi
Röttgers Netzpiraten CCC JoShi
von Bülow, Andreas Die CIA und der 11. September Fiction ? JoShi
Huxley Schöne neue Welt Fiction JoShi
Orwell, George 1984 Fiction JoShi
Schiel, Florian Bastard Assistant from Hell Fiction JoShi
Schiel, Florian The Bastard Assistant goes Overseas Fiction JoShi
Schiel, Florian Carpe Diem Academicum Fiction JoShi
Schiel, Florian The Bastard Ass(i) plots on Fiction JoShi
Schiel, Florian The Ultimate Bastard Assistant Fiction JoShi
Klippenhahn Verschlüsselte Botschaften Technik JoShi
Beutelspacher Kryptologie Technik JoShi
Huang Hacking the Xbox Technik JoShi
Illiad User Friendly Comic JoShi
Illiad User Friendly: Root of all Evil Comic JoShi
Matloff, Norman The Art of Programming cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Lucasm, Michael W. Networks Flow Analysis cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Wang, Wallace Steal This Computer Book jigmantao cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Wang, Wallace My New Mac (Snow Leopard Edition) cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Kerrisk, Michael The Linux Programming Interface cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Wang, Wallace My New Mac (Lion Edition) cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Ross, John Network Know-How cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Schroder, Carla The Book of Audacity jigmantao cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Steinmetz, William & Ward Brian Wicked Cool PHP cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Lipovaca, Miran Learn You a Haskell for Great Good cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Conrad, Barski Land of LISP cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Kahney, Leander The Cult of Mac cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Hüdepohl, Martin Badass LEGO Guns cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Takashi, Shin Statistics cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Takashi, Shin Regression analysis nachtpfoetchen 15.01.2024 cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Valk, Laurens The LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Discovery Book cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Kelly, James Floyd & Daudelin, Jonathan First LEGO League cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Pilegaard, Ulrik & Dooley, Mike Forbidden LEGO cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Perdue, Javid J. & Valk, Laurens The LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Inventors Guide cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Bedford, Allan The LEGO Builders Guide cccffm (Spende von No Starch Press via DJSpock)
Berndt, Tobias Latex - Der typographische Einstieg ?
Python-webdevelopement with django dd2
Isogawa, Yoshihito The LEGO Technic Idea Book - Wheeled Wonders fun, lego cccffm
Hansteen, Peter The book of PF Administration cccffm
Kong, Joseph Freebsd device drivers Administration cccffm
Quade, Jürgen; Mächtel, Michael Moderne Realzeitsysteme kompakt cccffm
Sikorski, Michael; Honig, Andrew Practical Malware Analysis FF cccffm
Klein, Tobias A Bug Hunter's Diary Security cccffm
Indel, Michael Der Weg zum Java-Profi Softwaredevelopment cccffm
Roden, Golo Node.js & Co. Webdevelopment strangedev cccffm
Preißel, René; Stachmann, Bjørn GiT Versionsverwaltung cccffm
Hyde, Randall The art of assembly language Development FF cccffm
Eagle, Chris The IDA pro book Development FF cccffm
Gasston, Peter The book of CSS3 Webdevelopment cccffm
Schrenk, Michael Webbots, spiders and screen scrapers Webdevelopment cccffm
Haverbeke, Marijn Eloquent JavaScript Webdevelopment cccffm
Hammel, Michael The Artist's Guide to GIMP Bildbearbeitung telegnom cccffm
Pohl, Klaus; Rupp, Chris Requirements Engineering Fundamentals cccffm
Fildebrandt, Ulf Software modular bauen Softwaredevelopment cccffm
Sanders, Chris Practical Packet Analysis - using wireshark to solve real-world network problems Administration cccffm
Vigenschow, Uwe; Schneider, Björn; Meyrose, Ines Soft Skills für Softwareentwickler Sozialkompetenz cccffm
Vigenschow, Uwe; Schneider, Björn; Meyrose, Ines Soft Skills für Softwareentwickler 2., Überarbeitete Auflage Sozialkompetenz FF cccffm
Gleim, Urs; Schüle, Tobias Multicore-Software - Grundlagen, Architektur und Implementierung in C/C++, Java und C# Softwaredevelopment FF cccffm
Isogawa, Yoshihito The LEGO Technic Idea Book - Simple Machines fun, lego cccffm
Isogawa, Yoshihito The LEGO Technic Idea Book - Fantastic contraptions fun, lego cccffm
Pröhl, Mark Kerberos - Single Sing-in in gemischten Linux/Windows-Umgebungen Administration cccffm
Kennedy, David; O'Gorman, Jim; Kearns, Devon; Aharoni, Mati Metasploit - The Penetration Tester's Guide Administration, security cccffm
Bath, Graham; McKay, Judy The Software Test Engineer's Handbook Softwaredevelopment cccffm
Daniels W. Dieterle Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux Security fast
Peter Kim The Hacker Playbook Security fast
Matloff, Norman The Art of R Programming cccffm
Margolis, Michael Arduino Cookbook axolord cccffm
Ernesti, Johannes; Kaiser, Peter Python 3 - Das umfassende Handbuch Softwaredevelopment sommteck (27.10.2018) ja (14.10.2018) cccffm
C.Miller, Lawrence Cyber Security For Dummies Security FF cccffm
C.Miller, Lawrence Network Security In Virtualized Data Centers Security FF cccffm
Matloff, Norman; Slazman Peter Jay The Art Of Debugging With DB, DDD and Eclipse Development FF cccffm
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