====== Verwendete Software ======
* [[https://github.com/espressif/esptool | esptool]] v1.2.1
* Arduino IDE 1.6.13
====== Pinout/Anschluss ======
^ ESP PIN ^ ^
| ESP_VDD | +5V |
| MPD_5 | RX |
| MPD_6 | TX |
| ESP_GPIO | 10k Ohm an GND |
| GND | GND |
====== Setup ======
* http://arduino.esp8266.com/staging/package_esp8266com_index.json als Board hinzufügen
* In der Datei ~/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0-rc2/platform.txt folgende Änderung vornehmen
#tools.esptool.upload.pattern="{path}/{cmd}" {upload.verbose} -cd {upload.resetmethod} -cb {upload.speed} -cp "{serial.port}" -ca 0x00000 -cf "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.bin"
tools.esptool.upload.pattern="/usr/local/bin/esptool.py" --port "{serial.port}" --baud {upload.speed} write_flash 0x00000 "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.bin"
* Folgende Einstellungen in der Arduino IDE setzen:
* Flash Mode: QIO
* Flash Frequency: 40 MHz
* CPU Frequency: 80 MHz
* Flash Size: 2M
* Reset mode: ck
* Uploadspeed: 115200
* Test sketch:
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println("Test your ESP8266");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
====== Flashen ======
* Widerstand auf GND ziehen
* Sketch flashen
* Widerstand entfernen
* ESP Powercyceln